Are Water Picks as Effective as Flossing?

Are Water Picks as Effective as Flossing?

Cleaning between your teeth is an essential component of your daily oral hygiene routine, helping prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Water flossers, or water picks, are growing in popularity, but are they as effective as flossing? Dr. Nallasamy and her team at Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry are happy to answer your questions and help…

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Is Gum Disease Treatable or Reversible?

Is Gum Disease Treatable or Reversible?

Did you know that gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss in adults, more so than cavities? Not only is the preventable condition an oral health concern, but it has been shown to elevate the risk of serious health conditions, like heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and even pregnancy complications. Heather Ridge Laser…

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