Teeth Whitening or Veneers: Which One Is Right for Me?

Young woman choosing color of teeth at dentist, closeup

Everyone wants a white, bright, and dazzling smile, and we at Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry are here to help. We are pleased to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry solutions, including GLO teeth whitening and dental veneers, to lift teeth stains and discoloration, transforming your smile. Dr. Nallasamy will evaluate your unique needs and recommend the treatment best suited for you.

Teeth Whitening: An Overview

GLO teeth whitening comes with both in-office and take-home kits to rejuvenate your smile with long-lasting effects. What sets the unique whitening system apart is the warming heat of its GLO or Guided Light Optics technology. The mouthpiece incorporates heat resistors and light reflectors that direct heat and LED light to safely energize the professional-grade hydrogen peroxide gel, leaving you with dramatic whitening results with little to no sensitivity.

GLO professional teeth whitening treatments can lift the most stubborn stains, leaving you with a smile up to five shades whiter in just one office visit. Future touch-ups may be necessary to maintain your stunning results.

Dental Veneers: An Overview

Dental veneers are wafer-thin porcelain shells custom-made to match your smile. They are placed on the front surfaces of your teeth to mask any imperfections, delivering your ideal smile. The translucent material mimics your natural tooth enamel’s light-reflecting properties, delivering beautifully natural results.

Dental veneers offer an excellent solution to improve the size, shape, color, and overall appearance of your teeth. When placed on stained and discolored teeth, they instantly transform your smile. With proper care, dental veneers can last for 15 years or even up to 30 years in some cases.

Teeth Whitening or Dental Veneers: Which One Is Right for You?

There are many factors that you may want to consider when deciding whether to whiten your teeth with the GLO system or with porcelain veneers. Veneers are typically more expensive than teeth whitening. They are custom-made, require more dental work, and may involve multiple appointments. GLO teeth whitening can be done in-office or at home for a lower cost.

GLO whitening can work wonders in lifting tooth stains. However, it cannot brighten your teeth past their original state. Moreover, you will require touch-up treatments to maintain your desired shade of white. If you want to cover cosmetic imperfections more effectively or if you want more permanent teeth whitening results, dental veneers may be the best option for you.

The best way to choose between GLO whitening and porcelain veneers is to consult with your trusted team at Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry. Dr. Nallasamy will evaluate your unique needs and recommend the best teeth whitening option to transform your smile.

Quality Cosmetic Dentistry Services Near Me in Gurnee, IL

Contact Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry to learn more about our cutting-edge cosmetic dentistry solutions, including GLO teeth whitening and porcelain veneers. Dr. Nallasamy and her team are committed to delivering beautiful, healthy smiles that last. We invite you to call us at 847-356-2336 to schedule your consultation or request an appointment online today.