Dental Fillings, Inlays, and Onlays: What Is the Difference?

Dental Fillings, Inlays, and Onlays: What Is the Difference?

Looking for a solution to repair a decayed or damaged tooth? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry is pleased to offer a range of restorative dentistry services, including dental fillings, inlays, and onlays. Our restorations are made to match your smile, leaving you with seamless results. 

Dental Fillings – An Overview

Cavity repair at Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry is a unique experience. We offer tooth-colored fillings made from a composite resin material that we match to the color of your natural tooth enamel. We use our Solea dental laser to perform the filling procedure, eliminating the need for the drill and minimizing the need for local anesthetics. 

Our dental laser is incredibly precise, vaporizing decayed tissues while leaving the surrounding healthy tissues intact. It also sterilizes the area, reducing the chances of future decay. You’ll be amazed at how quick and comfortable getting a filling is at Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry. 

But what happens if a cavity is not repaired? Decayed teeth, left untreated, cannot heal themselves. If the damage is beyond repair using a dental filling, Dr. Nallasamy may recommend a dental crown. If, however, the damage is too extensive to repair with a dental filling but not severe enough to warrant the use of a dental crown, you may be the perfect candidate for a dental inlay or onlay

Dental Inlays and Onlays – An Overview

Inlays and onlay, also known as partial crowns, are restorations made of porcelain, a material that’s incredibly strong, durable, and easy to match to the color and texture of your natural teeth. Inlays, also known as indirect fillings, are needed to repair teeth with damage on the chewing surfaces between the cusps of a tooth. If, however, one or more cusps are damaged, we may recommend a dental onlay. 

Porcelain inlays and onlays are custom-crafted by a dental laboratory from digital scans of your teeth. When placed, the material bonds to the tooth’s surfaces, fortifying its structure. Inlays and onlays require the removal of less tooth structure than dental crowns, making them a more conservative tooth restoration option. 

Caring for Dental Fillings, Inlays, and Onlays

Caring for teeth with dental fillings, inlays, or onlays is the same as caring for your natural teeth. Make sure to brush and floss as usual to lower the risk of new decay. Avoid biting down on hard foods to prevent damage to your restorations and your natural tooth enamel.

It’s also important to keep up with your routine dental exams and cleaning every six months. Dr. Nallasamy and her team will ensure your oral health and restorations stay in tip-top shape. 

Dental Fillings, Inlays, and Onlays Near Me in Gurnee, IL

Contact Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry to learn more about restoring your smile with a dental filling, inlay, or onlay. Dr. Nallasamy and her dedicated team are committed to providing our valued patients with aesthetic, durable restorations for long-term healthy and beautiful smiles. We invite you to call us at 847-356-2336 to schedule your appointment or request a consultation online today.