Solea Sleep: Relief From Snoring in Just 5 Minutes

Peacefulness concept. Handsome man sleeping in bed

Most people have had a brush with occasional snoring, with one in five Americans dealing with chronic concerns. Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry is pleased to introduce Solea Sleep, the new snoring treatment that provides relief in just five minutes. You and your partner can enjoy peaceful and rejuvenating sleep once again!

The Importance of Restful Sleep

Lack of deep and restful sleep is no laughing matter. It can seriously impact your health and quality of life. A good night’s rest will enhance your mood, mental function, and quality of life. Loud or long-term snoring can increase the risk of serious health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and more. 

Snoring – More Than an Annoyance

Snoring is the grunting and sometimes loud noise that occurs when air flows past the tissues in your throat as you sleep, causing them to vibrate. It is more than a mere nuisance. It can lead to reduced sleep quality, impacting your health and quality of life. 

Snorers often have difficulty achieving their deep and REM sleep, which is when physical and mental restoration occurs. They may experience next-day fatigue, daytime sleepiness, difficulty focusing, mood changes, and chronic headaches. 

Snoring is often a symptom of a serious sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. The condition is characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, waking up choking and gasping for air, and restless sleep. Snoring not only affects you, but it can be detrimental to your significant other, who may have trouble getting restful sleep. 

Solea Sleep – Your Secret to Snoring-Free Sleep

Solea Sleep is a new laser procedure that helps provide rapid and lasting snoring relief. The non-invasive laser emits a specific wavelength, quickly and gently tightening the collagen fibers in the soft palate tissues. That helps open the airway and reduces the vibrations that cause snoring. Unlike most laser treatments that require multiple, 30-minute sessions, Solea Sleep is a single, non-surgical treatment that produces dramatic results in just five minutes. 

What Can You Expect During Treatment?

We will apply a topical anesthetic spray before treatment for your comfort. Most individuals report no pain, with some describing a warm sensation. You may have mild soreness after treatment, which should soon subside. 

The dramatic treatment results usually last 12-15 months, after which the tissue naturally relaxes once again. A yearly Solea Sleep treatment will ensure you continue to enjoy an improved quality of sleep. 

Note: Keep in mind that the treatment is NOT a sleep apnea treatment. It is designed to relieve snoring and enhance a patient’s quality of life.

Solea Sleep Snoring Treatment Near Me in Gurnee, IL

Contact Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry to learn more about our safe and effective snoring treatment. Just five minutes will have you on your way to restful, rejuvenating sleep. We invite you to call us at 847-356-2336 to schedule your consultation or request an appointment online today.