Laser Dentistry – Experience the Solea Difference

Solea difference

Dental lasers have revolutionized dentistry, providing more comfortable, efficient, and precise dental care than ever before. Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry is pleased to offer the Solea laser, one of the most advanced dental laser systems available today. Here’s all you need to know about the Solea difference.

How Does the Solea Dental Laser Work?

The Solea dental laser device produces intense, focused light energy. The beams effectively cut through or even remove soft and hard tissues with minimal to no pain and discomfort.

Solea is the leading all-tissue laser that is used for multiple procedures. It features an isotopic CO2 laser that operates at a unique wavelength of 9.3 microns, delivering exceptional speed and a smooth treatment experience. It is highly effective in treating the gums, tooth enamel, dentin, and bone tissues, with incredible comfort, precision, and success.

The Solea Dental Laser – Taking Anxiety Out of Dentistry

Created with you in mind, Solea offers numerous benefits, including the following:

Quick and Easy Treatments: Our Solea laser helps complete most dental procedures in a matter of minutes, reducing the need for lengthy visits or second appointments. No more having to spend hours in the dentist’s chair!

Virtually Free of the Needle and the Drill: With Solea, you can relax and enjoy comfortable, anesthesia-free dental care. The gentle laser eliminates the needle, drill, blood, and pain in most procedures, allowing you to relax while receiving exceptional dental care.

Increased Precision: The laser beam is incredibly precise, targeting specific oral structures. It can remove damaged hard or soft tissue while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed.

Reduced Pain and Downtime: The incredible treatment precision and preservation of healthy tissues minimize post-treatment pain, downtime, and healing time. Patients are able to resume their daily activities soon after treatment.

Unique Dental Filling Experience: Repairing tooth decay and cavities with Solea is a comfortable, pain-free experience. The laser precisely vaporizes the decayed portions of the tooth while leaving the healthy structure intact. It also sterilizes the area, minimizing the chances of future infection.

Helps Create Precise Dental Crowns: Solea is instrumental in the dental crown creation process. The innovative technology helps ensure your new restoration comes with incredibly clean and precise margins while minimizing the margin of error.

Ideal for Periodontal (Gum) Disease Treatment: Solea offers an excellent solution for treating gum disease. It decontaminates the periodontal pockets where harmful oral bacteria flourish, minimizing their devastating effects on your oral health.

Gentle Laser Dental Care Near Me in Gurnee, IL

Visit Heather Ridge Laser Dentistry to learn more about our innovative Solea dental laser. Dr. Nallasamy and her patient-centered team are committed to providing the highest level of care for long-term healthy smiles. We invite you to call our office at 847-356-2336 to schedule your consultation or request an appointment online today.